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  • Actel

  • Headquartered in mountain view, California, USA, Aite is a leading supplier of low-power, radiation resistant hybrid signal field programmable gate array (FPGA). Its products are widely used in military / aerospace, industrial, communication and consumer product markets. With its deep expertise in space class radiation resistant certification technology, the company has become a leading manufacturer in the satellite and space FPGA market, and has long been known for its excellent service quality in the industry.

Manufacturer Introduction

Headquartered in mountain view, California, USA, Aite is a leading supplier of low-power, radiation resistant hybrid signal field programmable gate array (FPGA). Its products are widely used in military / aerospace, industrial, communication and consumer product markets. With its deep expertise in space class radiation resistant certification technology, the company has become a leading manufacturer in the satellite and space FPGA market, and has long been known for its excellent service quality in the industry.