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  • 2006年奇美集團新增發展B2C「CHIMEI奇美品牌」事業,由奇美實業100%轉投資新視代科技股份有限公司進行全球營運,現全世界已註冊超過70個國家。品牌定位堅持以「高貴不貴、物超所值」的高性價比承諾,貫徹在全產品設計中,銷售產品有LCD/LED多媒體液晶顯示器、時尚LED燈具、DC直流電風扇,以及其他生活家電,如空氣清淨機等。

Manufacturer Introduction

品牌全称:CHIMEI Group 奇美


CHIMEI Group has secured a solid footing in the global petrochemical industry for over five decades since its inception in 1960 with the Chi Mei Corporation, founded by Wen-lung Hsu, as its pioneering business. Over the past 50 years, CHIMEI has grown into a massive organization with 30-odd affiliated businesses. It is currently one of the Top 100 Chinese companies with a reputation as the most iconic “Happy Company” in Taiwan. It registered a record-breaking group-wide (including Chimei Innolux Corp.) sales figure exceeding NT$ 700 billion in 2010 and is still expanding corporate-wise.
